01 Settembre 2022 di Redazione

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Anche Instagram sente la fine dell'estate

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Settembre è un mese meraviglioso. Il clima non è caldo come in estate e l’aria sta diventando un po’ frizzante. La scuola dovrebbe tornare in sessione, poiché le persone si preparano al freddo. L’estate viene lasciata alle spalle mentre l’attesa dell’autunno si avvicina.

  • Make it a September to Remember
  • All at once, summer collapsed into fall. -Oscar Wilde
  • I love September, especially when we’re in it.” — Willie Stargell
  • By all these lovely tokens, September days are here. With summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer. – Helen Hunt Jackson
  • Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple. – JK Rowling / Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
  • September tries its best to have us forget summer. – Bernard Williams
  •  “Hello September, I wasn’t expecting you so soon.”
  • “My goal is to make it a September to remember.”
  • “It’s official: I’ve fallen for you, September.”
  • Hate to be corny, but I really love September.
  • September: it was the most beautiful of words… evoking orange flowers, swallows and regret.
  • New month, new day, new date, new chapter, new page, new wishes. Welcome September!!!
  • I used to love September, but now it just rhymes with remember
  • My favourite poem is the one that starts ‘Thirty days hath September’ because it actually tells you something.
  • Hello September, the winds of change really can be beautiful.
  • Say do you remember dancing in September, never was a cloudy day.
  • Wake me up when September ends.
  • Wine is the divine juice of September.
  • Just like that, summer falls into September.
  • Goodbye, August, you were better. Welcome September, I wish you to be the best.

Noi abbiamo scelto queste e in realtà le abbiamo scelte ( e lasciate ) in inglese perché alla fine chi di noi, almeno sulle immagini di Instagram, non fa sfoggio della lingua più cool al mondo?

Benarrivato Settembre, mi raccomando non tradirci!

Silvia GALLI




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